Chapter 4 - Packages

Exercise 1: Importing Packages

We’ve set up a Go package at

What command would you run in your terminal to download and install this package in your Go workspace?


Once you’ve installed the package, you’ll have the following files in your workspace:


package car

import "fmt"

func openDoor() {
        fmt.Println("Opening door")


package headlights

import "fmt"

func TurnOn() {
        fmt.Println("Shining headlights")


package stereo

import "fmt"

func TurnOn() {
        fmt.Println("Playing music")


package stereo

import "fmt"

func BoostBass() {
        fmt.Println("Bwomp bwamp BWOOOOMP")


package wheels

import "fmt"

func Accelerate() {
        fmt.Println("Peeling out!")

func Steer() {
        fmt.Println("Turning front wheels")

Write a program that imports all the above packages and calls all the functions they contain. You can include the program in your Go workspace, if you like, or just store it anywhere and run it with go run.

The program output should look like this:

Opening door
Shining headlights
Playing music
Bwomp bwamp BWOOOOMP
Turning front wheels
Peeling out!

When you’re ready, have a look at the solution.