Chapter 1 - Syntax Basics

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

The program below should take a number of cans of food and calculate their total weight. It should declare a count variable with the number of cans, and a unitWeight variable with the amount (in kilograms) that each can weighs. It should then multiply count by unitWeight, and assign the result to a new totalWeight variable. Finally, it should print the number of cans and their total weight.

Fill in the blanks in the program so that it will run and produce the specified output. Note that count will have a type of int, but unitWeight will have a type of float64, so you’ll need to do a conversion before you can multiply the two together.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var count int = 20
    unitWeight := 0.4
    totalWeight := float64(count) * unitWeight
    fmt.Println(count, "cans weigh", totalWeight, "kilograms")


20 cans weigh 8 kilograms