Chapter 14 - Automated Testing

Exercise 1: Testing a Package

Here is code for an ordinals package, with an Ordinal function that converts the integer 1 to the string 1st, 2 to 2nd, and so on. We have intentionally left out the code that converts 3 to 3rd, so that we have a case where tests should fail.

You can either create this file manually, or install it automatically with:

$ go get


// Package ordinals converts integers to ordinal numbers.
// 1: 1st, 2: 2nd, and so on.
package ordinals

import "fmt"

// Ordinal accepts an integer and returns a string with
// that integer's ordinal form.
func Ordinal(number int) string {
	lastDigit := number % 10
	isInTeens := (number%100)/10 == 1
	if isInTeens {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%dth", number)
	} else if lastDigit == 1 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%dst", number)
	} else if lastDigit == 2 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%dnd", number)
	} else {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%dth", number)

Your goal is to create automated tests with the following expectations:

Ordinal Parameter Expected Return Value
1 "1st"
2 "2nd"
3 "3rd" (this test should fail)
4 "4th"
11 "11th"
21 "21st"


For now, you can use a failure message of "didn't match expected value" for every test.



package ordinals

import "testing"

func TestOne(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(1) != "1st" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")

func TestTwo(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(2) != "2nd" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")

func TestThree(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(3) != "3rd" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")

func TestFour(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(4) != "4th" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")

func TestEleven(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(11) != "11th" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")

func TestTwentyOne(t *testing.T) {
	if Ordinal(21) != "21st" {
		t.Error("didn't match expected value")


--- FAIL: TestThree (0.00s)
	ordinals_test.go:19: didn't match expected value
FAIL	0.006s